Monday, November 14, 2011

Timeline While Waiting

Well it's time to start this journey.  I have been waiting for 12 days and It's been a journey in itself.  But I'm getting WAY ahead of myself here, let me back up and start from the beginning in some logical order!  For about six years, since standing in line behind a mom of adopted kids waiting to register Wes for kindergarten, I have gone from the opinion of "that is crazy" and not for me to mild curiosity of what are the specifics on "how to adopt".  I have looked on-line at different regions of the world and eliminated several due to glaring reason why not to adopt.  My heart was being molded, shaped and prodded by God as I stubbornly came up with every reason why not to adopt.  Trust me, As a veteran military wife, I had so many convenient easy reasons "why not".  I was a pro at NO!  But as this career and way of life begins to march closer to the finish line, the nagging question keeps pestering me.  If YOU had the power to change one hopeless life and inject love, health, faith and the security each of your own kids feel when wrapped in your arms.....Well? What would you do?

I would not say the answer to that was an immediate,  "get on it Cindy"! Quite the contrary.  Still months went by, I slowly crunched the numbers, did some research. I of course wondered how in the world was I gonna get my kids and more importantly my husband on board with this idea? I was completely certain I errr We, I mean, were absolutely ideal for this situation.  Experienced parents-check, decent job-check, excellent health insurance-check and kids who could use one more sibling to fight with-triple check!

My search settled on special needs kids. As a nurse, it would make good sense I would want to help those overlooked as to risky to adopt.  I picked China fore most because of the great need there (1 million orphans in China alone,  oh my!) Secondly, because China has the second least complicated process and I'm a newby at this!  What I never in a million years expected was to come up empty handed in the first agency I searched!  Ok, number two. Nope, nothing!  Alright God, seriously??  Next agency please. After surfing around the web site a bit, I then click on the list of waiting children.  Lots of kid's in break your heart kinda conditions, then I click on a 4 year old with a heart defect.  He seems small in the thumbnail pic, maybe its an old pic?  Oh yippee, three video's of him maybe they are current? Insert screeching brakes noise here....Click the start video arrow....I am in instant LOVE! I don't believe in love at first sight, but I am amending my ways!  Here is the most adorable, not quick to smile, kinda shy, boy dressed in a Superman shirt complete with cape!  Be still my heart!

Now the hard part.... complete fear and worry how to approach the family!  I started with Beau, because I knew if he hated the idea, no need to approach Bryce..right?  Beau thinks it's a good idea, but firmly states he will NOT be happy if he has to share his room with Wes.  Ok, small and really strange reaction?  Because I know my very analytical husband, I get a data sheet and presentation ready to launch the next day at lunch.  Insert screeching brakes noise again....Um absolutely not the time after he fly's in the house announcing he thinks he should retire this summer.  I'm completely caught off guard!  I spend the rest of the afternoon crunching, researching and ultimately crying as this idea of mine and just breathed it last breath.  It will not be possible once we return to the civilian world.

I trudge through the rest of that day with all our crazy sports, school etc schedules in full assault! I return home after the last kid picked up, and retire to the shower to rinse the heartache of this day of me.  One last look at the laptop to say good bye to my Superman whom I so wanted to save.  Bryce returns and gets in bed and tells me Beau has filled him in on my plan to save Superman.  Now really insert screeching brakes here.... the most unexpected and joyous thing I was certain would not happen....Bryce said "let's adopt him"!!
November 1- Ask Beau and prepared presentation for next for Bryce
November 2- Crazy emotional roller coaster called HE SAID YES!!!
November 3- Contact adoption agency and get more info on Superman
November 4- The heart breaking news on how sick his tiny heart is.  Talk to great friend who is a Cardiologist.... not good news. Sweet, dear friend agrees to email the experts at Univ. of FL on my behalf to get their expert advice.  Superman's medical emailed.
November 5 and 6- Spend weekend sick over all this...pray...pray....pray.
November 7- Sweet dear friend tells me to stop stressing and get to the letter of intent checklist (part 1 of every adoption)!  Back on track and full speed ahead with papers, numbers, reality of my already in progress life and moving forward.
November 8-14- Papers, prayer and crickets chirping!  Thus far everything has fallen into place, to include the MEGA patience lesson God has Cindy learning right now!

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