Thursday, June 21, 2012

Housewife of the POSH Cabot, AR

After 6 days of unpacking boxes and finding a home for the hoarding.....ummm, material possession a plenty....We took a field trip into "town",  Little Rock to be exact.  We had a very SLOWLY baked chicago style pizza.  I agree, maybe should have ordered "native" food.  BUT, the opportunity to people watch was almost too good to be true.  Best gem....A 40 something gal in a casual "cami" (t-shirt) type shirt with pearls and an up-do?  Hmmmmm, should have got a pic I know!

We found the name sake of the city.... 

"The" Little Rock (or so they say?)

And a very cool park near the Clinton Presidential Library (Yeah, he was Governor once here).

But really it's the playground in our backyard that's the BIGGEST hit.  An indicator that best states it's popularity and completely eliminates my ballot for mother of the year.  I just did laundry yesterday.

No,  NOT for the first time since arriving,

BUT close 8-).

Megan's pile of folded clothes, when all was completed:

4 Swimsuits

3 pair of PJ's

1 outfit

Not that I NEED to obsess over what my kids wear, BUT HMMMMM?

Did she wear that one outfit ALL week and I missed that lack of variety in wardrobe selection?

AND MUCH WORSE.... Ummmm, one word....shhhhh, clean panties????

Don't even want to think another thought about it!  Moving forward to pics of mandatory family fun we had today.  We have a teen boy, not exactly enthusiastic about the pool. CRAZY I know!  WARNING Please put sunglasses on NOW!  

We STILL lack pool toys, but at least that is not a sled anymore, but a bogey board!

Send Bryce a txt or email....."Hey Bryce, when is that stupid canoe getting moved OFF the pool deck?" Please send soon, I would appreciate it!

The first jump in!

In adoption news:  We had our Supplement 3 to our home study interview on Tuesday (long winded for address change for US Immigrations!).  Paperwork processing and getting some details fine tuned.  Hoping this DOES NOT slow our paperwork down a bit!  We are expecting an update on our cuties any day now.  We will share any pics we get at that time.

Thursday, June 14, 2012


We have been on a journey for six months.  A secret journey to do the MOST  we can with one trip!  With the excitement of adopting Timothy, we paused to think about the isolation he will feel initially. It got us researching about adding another....the cost, logistics and impact of on our family.  We decided it was very doable.

Megan insisted it be a girl please!!  So the search began for a girl with only more minor special needs since Tim will need lots of medical attention right away.  This journey was far more disappointment than success....then

FINALLY a lucky ladybug flew our way!

Today we received PA (provisional approval from China) for our little girl.


I'm sure you want the stat's and pic right?  She was born September 16, 2010 and was abandon just under a month later.  She was premature and has anemia. The anemia will be fixed when we get her to a decent hematologist here in the US.  She also has a very cute "outtie" or as China calls it an umbilical hernia.  Probably won't need to repair it... we'll let ya know later on that!  The best part....

Kate Mei is at the SAME orphanage as our Tim!  One trip, to one orphanage!  God truly knows my patience level... or lack there of!

I know, I know STOP typing and get the pic up!  But first, I need to warn you........

Baby Kate was NOT enjoying her photo shoot on the day this pic was taken.

YES, we have a diva coming our way!

AND our cutie bug isn't afraid to express herself.

Now, back to unloading box, after box, after box....well, you get the point!  More posts upcoming of our move to Arkansas.  The kids just HATE the pool by the way 8-)

Monday, June 4, 2012

Happy(?) Trails

I think the HAPPY in the title might be a stretch???

Actually, maybe Just Ok Trails should be the title.

It's been 2-3 years since coming to Scott AFB.  Which really's time to go!  As are usual habit of come, stay for a little while, then cut and run is once again upon us.  We are, well, decidedly not going to fight what can't be changed!

Not that we LOVE it in the mid-west.  But rather we have grown weary of this




Don't get me wrong, the indoor playground is a plus.  BUT!!!  The smell of it.  The obstacle course made from it throughout the house.  The having the "camping spirit",  of trying to live normal life while 90% of said normal life is within the confines of


Well, this being our 12th move in 20 years....The magic and fun are gone.  Moving has worn out it's welcome to say the least.  Or maybe it's the nonsense that comes with this vast amount of dead forrest in my soon to be former house?  We seems to be magnets for the perils and pitfalls of moving company woes.  This move is no exception.  

Well, here's to moving and being at the mercy of someone else's schedule, agenda and work ethic!!!!


And least I forget???