Tuesday, December 25, 2012


    Christmas at the Brakman's shaped up to be the crazy chaos is usually is.  Megan and Tim spent the weeks before counting and arranging all presents.....over and over again each night.  Tim was super excited he had the same number that Megan had under the tree.  Now mind you, Tim had no idea why gifts were there or that he would one day open them.  He was still processing this whole Santa and flying deer thing his sib's were telling him!  He had mastered Santa, Ho HO HO, Merry Chris-a-miss, Baby Jesus (to any sleeping baby), and most painfully.... if you disobey Mommy and pull on the stocking that has your name on it, the very heavy holder falls on your head and makes you bleed!

Kate really is completely oblivious aside from pulling off ornaments from the tree daily.  She is still working on sleeping through the night and not screaming when I leave the room.  Yepper's, she and I have a lot of togetherness! I will give ya a pictorgram of our Eve and Christmas day:

Christmas Eve

Tim opening his first present like an 88 year old grandpa!  So careful to pull all tape off and not rip paper, adding an occasional, "oh nice" even before the gift is open?  We swiftly showed him how to rip, tear and Woooo Hoooo like a kid should!

Then the 5 years as an orphan oozed out and Tim needed to hide and hoard his gifts in a safe place, so sad and hoping one day he will feel safe in his own home.

Kate seemed to wonder why is it today that we are opening these colorful boxes?  She needed help from her big sis and looked around for assurance that ripping this paper is ok with the "No, no" big people in the house.

And a sampling of the "Bigs" holiday splendor!

Beau, the leader of this tribe.
Megan, our "Big Sis" and my lifesaver on many occasions!

Wes, our middle and comedian, the glue that keeps us together!

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!  Now to dig out the xue (snow in mandarin) gear for the white stuff falling!  Could ya ask for a better first Christmas in Arkansas and as a family of 7?!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Twas The Week Before Christmas

Wow!  Yes time has flown.  Let's catch up with the Brakman 5's transition progress............

Hmmmm, Does anyone remember these 3????

They don't make the FB postings often, but they are NOT invisible around the house.  After all, 3 teens are an eating, studying, sport playing blurrrr for the most part, in this house.  Megan is a mini Mama and both Tim and Kate are nuts about her.  Beau is Kate's favorite, and Beau changed his first diaper ever today....and it actually stayed on!  Wes is still finding his place.  He is just fine with Kate, but seems to not find a whole lotta patience for his brother.  We are giving it time. 

We are getting ready for Christmas and all the fun it brings.  Tim recognizes Santa and sings Jingle Bells and his Chinglish (Chinese, English and Spnaish) version of Feliz Navidad....however he seems to not grasp much of the holiday trappings.  We have only been home for 26 days now and the language barrier is one of the few things that prevent him from taking it all in with a complete understanding. 

 Imagine if someone told you a fat man, dressed in a red suit will drive a sleigh with flying deer and deliver colorful boxes through your fireplace to you on a specific day......well, he still thinks this is a head scratcher! 

Kate is completely oblivious to it all, except finds it fun to pull the ornaments off the tree daily!  She did say Ho, Ho, Ho when we passed a blow up of Santa on our walk today....so maybe she will have it all figured out in a weeks time!

Well, this was the runner up to our christmas photo this  year.  We wish all of you few who actually read this blog......A blessed and joyous holiday season!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Two Weeks Home!

A blog update from Cindy this time.....yes, you should be impressed!  Ok, Ok, let's quickly recap!

Tim waving goodbye to China

Tim has decided to conquer all play equipment all at once.  Loves puzzles, cars and on a rare occasion the Wii.  His behavior has dramatically improved.  Other than being a typical 5 year old with an opinion, he is a picky eater and has just recently started giving hugs!!!! Each day his english expands.  It is truly amazing to watch this transformation unfold before our eyes! 

Let me introduce my shadow next.....She still goes EVERYWHERE with me.  She walks miles each day on those tiny legs following my every move.  If she weren't so cute, I would complain!  Kate has a temper and honestly thinks she is me sometimes- while she gibber jabbers her bossing at her older sibs!  The hand on the hip so reminds me of my mother....must be in the DNA??? She is so trying to copy her brother and with a little help, she gets the job done!  She eats constantly and is never picky!  She had her blood drawn and was so darn brave!

We are still climbing to the month home and things are easier plateau, but are getting through each day just fine.  Both kids see the doctor for the first time on the 19th and should be moving along to the specialist from there.  Tim is on the waiting list for preschool, he would LOVE to go to school just like his big brother's and sister.  Prayers a spot opens up for him.  He puts his backpack in the car for carpool each day just in case!  

We are looking forward to the holiday season and all 5 of the kids enjoying each other.  Always love to hear from all of you.  My apologies if I haven't responded, I'll try and get better about that!

I'm off to get a crying little girl off the floor and rescue Tim from being closed in the pantry!  Oh the unending JOY!!!!