Thursday, May 16, 2013

Mamaw Hot Rod, Mother's Day and the Stuffing


I have fallen off the cliff.....

Me not keeping up with details is...well.... a serious sign of 


 and lets hope nothing to permanent??  I am falling back ON the blog wagon to serve ya some of the ...


Or just report on life in the super-sized HOV lane around here!

Oh, I crack myself up .... since my first topic is the perfect seg-way!

This is the Beau- leader of the kid pack

- in his new used Prius he bought from his Mamaw  HOT ROD!!!!!

If all of you remember his proclamation when he was 2 years old....he wants a green car with windows when he grows up.....Well, it has windows and with the proper lack of lighting, it could does have a green hint!!

Tilt your head right...ok... squint...yep it looks more green----ish:-)

He is Over the Moon at the gas pump, as it doesn't empty his wallet!  I never thought I'd raise such a practical child??? ODD FEELING!

As the school year winds down, It always seems we get stuck in some sorta WARP speed ride.  The kids are just too busy these days.

Megan is sad to have soccer end for the season, but very excited to have no school soon!

Wes has soccer, band and general mischief to occupy him until further notice.... which the general mischief part may last until he is about 183 years old, or there about.  

My first Mother's Day as a super sized Mom..... wait a minute, let's re-write that a little more a Mom who live's in a shoe and has more children than she know's.... all righty, that's not it either...


Well maybe there isn't a less comical way to put it? 

Yes, by the way, it still strike's a...What? huh? really? That many kids? Why? 

When I think to hard about it.  Since life stumbles on, day to day, with only a few minor hiccups and children being left behind....on accident mind you.... I only notice in the laundry category or the trying to squeeze 7 people in one hotel room category, that we are very large!

Mother's Day was spent in the usual way: Church, laundry, meals, a trip to a local park and chopping wood for a fire, to make smore's.  I'm certain I saw other Mom's in the hood chopping wood n there back yards too

...this is Arkansas after all!  

A pic o gram of the day's events...minus the laundry, so silly if you logged in for that pic....come by any day of the week for a "live" shot of that!
geocaching until...
the tick count over exceeded the acceptable amount!

Red Rover, Red Rover.....and no, that is not me escaping on the bike!

Tree climbing and a case of the "giggles?"

Puff the Magic Dragon Brother!

Fire is HOT!

Ummm, what is this for again?

My five little monkey's swinging in a tree... 

I will update all of you very soon regarding Tim's upcoming open heart surgery.  We are waiting for our second opinion to be given.  

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