Monday, November 12, 2012

And here they are....

This is Lori again!  I just received a couple of pics and thought I would post for all to see.  Cindy will try and do a post after the kids go to bed, so you'll have to check back in later for all the details. But here is what I have so far!

Although a little scared at the Civil Affairs office, he came out smiling.  However, when it was time to leave, Cindy said he started crying.  Can you put yourself in his tiny shoes???  Seems like Tim is a smart little guy.  His noodles were hot, so he opened his cup to put cool water in to cool it off!  He has mastered the iPad, Cindy said.  And he is very gentle with his Mei Mei!

Looks like Kate was enjoying her noodles as well!  Cindy said she screamed for about 35 minutes at the Civil Affairs office, but she looks like she is doing great now!

Guess she likes her "cell phone."

And they both were having fun with bubbles!

And I guess I should have put this before the noodle pics. But it was my favorite, so I saved it for last!

Tim was helping his sister to dinner...a gentleman already!

Much more to come from Gotcha Day!  These were just a few pics that she sent from her phone after they were back in the hotel!  I am guessing it is now bath time, a little more play time, Skype time with their siblings and grandparents soon, and then bed time!  Please continue to pray for them as bed time tonight may be a little tricky.  

Sleep well Tim and are orphans no more!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! They are both beautiful! So excited for your family!
