Been a long stretch with no blog post
I know and I'm sorry.
So what HAS been going on with the Brakman's???? A few pic's to fill you in........
We visited Memphis and saw Elvis.... yeah, really he's alive was spotted!
We did a lot of building of fun stuff!
And had a blast for weeks, building this
Megan had her 14th birthday. I have no idea why she appears stunned by the cake??? |
Megan had her wisdom teeth pulled. What a useless and painful part of us! Now she "may" get the braces off by Christmas.....finger's crossed!
So enjoy the cuteness! And we request prayer that China hear's our plea's to release our travel approval. We are currently on day 28 of waiting. This step typically takes 7 to 14 days, we are obviously way over due. No idea what or why this has dragged on this long? We just want our children....ummm, yesterday please.
He is changing so much!
His "little boy" face is nearly gone now....booo:-(
 So so so cute! And a tiny bit of hair now!!!!
Forget the cool kitchen, an empty water bottle and dried leaf are awesome! 
Oh my word...that is a long wait for TA! ((HUGS)) Hoping it comes this week!!! He is as cute as ever even though he has grown and changed so much...still a Superman lover! :) Your daughter is beautiful and so happy. Cannot wait to see them in your arms. Fun swing set too by the way.