Well...in the perfect world that is a nice thought......BUT!!!!!
We Brakman's live in reality and the first thought that comes to mind.....is.....
Super Human Patience!
AND....... those who know me would be SHOCKED! Since, I'm growing that in rapid fashion!
Since my last post a blurrrrrr of life events have occurred. Please view in an assortment of pics!

issues. Second opinion still pending from a Texas hospital.

This big guy became a TEENAGER!
Kate provided the animation during his speech!
Some well behaved kids....well, mostly behaved!
Tim FINALLY had his birthday! He has been asking since January... nearly daily.... when HIS birthday was coming. Just a little behind the scenes. Tim and Kate have NEVER had a birthday. To be honest, the birth date they have..... was assigned to them by China, most likely NOT their true birth date. So when Tim saw what was in store with the first birthday party he saw...which was Beau's 16th in January. Well, he couldn't wait for his turn at presents and cake and candle's! Every month that went by, he added things to his wish list and told everyone he will be 6 and get his own bike. The day finally arrived! Although we called it Tim's FIRST birthday it was actually his 6th. BUT, he actually had to celebrate it not on his birthday, which is August, 24, but on August 18th. The open heart surgery schedule waits for no birthday celebrations! Tim and I spent August 24th, in Philadelphia awaiting his surgery at the Children's Hospital. NOPE, life isn't fair sometimes!
The rest of the update involves boxes, packers, moving trucks and an avalanche of stress! Bryce handled our move from Arkansas to North Carolina. Luckily my parents came to tend to the 4 remaining kids at home. Tim and I are just waiting in Philadelphia for the BIG DAY to get here.....his open heart surgery. We have toured the city and are now just crazy bored! Luckily we don't have too much longer. We should get our surgery time for tomorrow any time now.
This morning Bryce got his 7:30 am "surprise your household goods moving truck is here" wake up call. We have had to rent a very small town home as we have not had time to find our last and FINAL home, with all that has happened. Yes....that is 7...SEVEN..SEVEN people in 1700 sq ft. So, that means yet, ANOTHER move is in our immediate future.
Prayers for this family please..... we are all carrying a load, with much ground left to cover!