Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Breaks, Bunnies and WHOA 5 months!???!!

Easter 2013

Where did the time go??

We are swiftly approaching our 5 month anniversary of being a family of 7!

OF COURSE we will celebrate as all families of 7 do,

One of us will get a heart catheterization.....


Well more to the point....this guy needs a check under the hood

Picking up from where we left off in January after his echocardiogram....We still need to get a clear idea of where all anatomy of his heart is and how it is functioning.  He has grown a tiny bit and had his dental work done all things needed to clearing the path for the next step...

Well ANY step forward at this point is a great thing!  

April 9th Save the date!  Prayer's Please:)
Tim is scheduled for his heart cath. at Arkansas Children's Hospital.

Our family decided to hit 2 different time zones for Spring Break.  Well in 2 different packs that is!

The "little's" and I flew stand-by to visit my family in Greenville,  NC.  

It's quite possible several things may have been overlooked....in no particular order of course:

1.  Someone's underwear.

2.  I am too old to fly with 2 small children by myself!

3.  Dude, what were you thinking?  Your too old to shlep two kids and stuff by yourself!!

 4. Did anyone mention, Cindy your advanced age might make it a challenge travelling alone with 2 small children?  



Ok, I may have over-shot the runway on my confidence in my abilities a bit! Ok, a lot then.   

It was so good to visit with family and friends!!  However, I am still scrubbing my memory bank on that whole getting there and back part.  Some pic's of the littles first ever egg hunt.

Kate needed an assit from Aunt Beth!

Tim walked around and around holding the basket, then realized what to do with it when he heard candy was in the eggs!

And some of the "Big's" Spring Break fun in Colorado!  Next year, I hope to pull the long straw!

Beau and board

Wes, busted for NOT having his chin strap clipped...grrrr!

My smiley girl Meg!

We all returned home to celebrate our Easter together.  Tim is still having a hard time grasping all the true and commercialized meanings of all our celebrated events.  As I explain, I'm completely awestruck at how ridiculous some of our traditions are!!!  It's amazing how much of our daily lives have been hijacked by merchandizing and the world at large.  I too want to wear this face...
  What on EARTH??? That's crazy talk Mom?!!?

This boy cracks us up with his ever exploding English phrases and funny gestures.  One "too funny" moment was this....My Mom is quite the gardener.  Her backyard is an oasis of typical back yard tranquility!  The squirrels are her nemesis!!! They help themselves to her bird feeders despite being "squirrel proofed?"...Ummm , yeah, that's not possible!

Now Tim is starting to get all his animals learned(in english)....but not quite there yet.  He has never seen pine trees or the cones they drop.  While eating breakfast he spied those bold squirrels eating and yelled  at the top of his lungs....OH HEY, CHICKEN...NO!  Then ran outside!

Upon his return he announced he had fed the "chicken's" now a "pancake".  Translated in English...He thinks the squirrels will be fooled into eating a pinecone....or whatever Mom called those prickly things!  

Some pics of our Easter, which is really the only reason why you clicked the link anyways....yeah, I may look blonde, but I'm not really ya know:)

Surprisingly NOT the egg dyeing disaster  I was predicting with two newbies!
OH WOW another "day"of gifts?!!  Love this "HOME" thingy!
I can't WAIT to shoot this on the roof today!!!

Wes LOVES a clever bunny!
See Mom... If I had those SKY HIGH heels you don't want me to wear, reaching things would be easy!

This is such a "faux" shot!! I really slept through all the hunting for these!

Too cute for any caption!