I have joined several Yahoo groups in a attempt to get smart on this adoption thing. I am currently in several groups, one is the group of folks that have or are adopting from Tim's orphanage. It is like a mini Facebook of sorts, we post info about the particulars of the adoption process, the orphanage and the kids that have been rescued from being an orphan. One of the member's is currently in China adopting her little girl and asked if anyone wanted their child "checked up" on. Heck yeah I do!! I sent her the info on him and hoped and prayed maybe she would at least get a glimpse of him and report back that he seemed healthy! The request was made at the orphanage days ago, but the answer was no, she was not granted permission to see any of the children requested. I had a feeling, that would happen! But, I accepted it and continued to pray the director may have a change of heart in the two weeks the group friend(Lori) was in China processing her own adoption.
Then to my complete surprise! At 6 am this morning I was checking my emails. I saw a message from Lori. She asked if I had a Skype address. Some how I knew those 10 deployments we went through since 2003 would be a good thing?!! Of course I do! Quickly got the computer ready to Skype, when I realized.... if she has him on the other end ready to talk to us, DANG It!!! I have only learned 10 phrases in Cantonese! He surely doesn't want to hear me say please, excuse me I am an American??? Why did I learn that and not I LOVE YOU??? Back to reality...sigh! She was able to quickly take photo's of the 5 kiddos she made a request to see, no talking to them and they are not to speak to her as well. The 5 were now late for lunch and this had to be quick!
Be still my heart! Eight new photo's of my little guy. A most treasured belated birthday gift to me! I'm certain at this point he is probably wondering if a photographer is adopting him? He has had a photo shoot three times since the beginning of the year...probably hasn't had to say "cheese" this many times ever! Of course, given his relaxed and ready smile in every shot we have of him, one can certainly see he is a natural in front of the camera...no smile coaxing necessary! I am aching for this adoption to hurry up and get here! Love the orange jacket, my favorite color- he obviously knew that and wore it for me?!
Well back to the Cantonese lesson! Just in case I might retain something more than "yes", "no" and "excuse me" and "please"....they are the same word by the way, this language knows how challenged I am! Thank you dearly to my messenger Lori for the delivery. And I will NEVER give up hope again!